In the current time, Schools have students near something like thousands, managing every student’s regular issues like costs, investment, transport charge, etc are a humongous occupation for the parents and the school. So we made an outrageous response for this with the most evolved online School ERP software for instance The Edutech Solution’s school ERP software in Telangana. 

The Edutech Solution’s school ERP software in Telangana is the best online School ERP system that allows the school staff and the parents to check the regular undertakings and academic information of a large number of students. This online school management software in India allows the school to store and access any information regarding any students within an essential snap on the mouse. For instance, on the off chance that you are looking for a particular student’s compensation or not, the instructor or student basically needs to get to the software and it will advise you if the cost is paid or not. This can be checked from both the Parent’s side and moreover from the instructors’ side.

School ERP Software in telangana

The value of school ERP software in Telangana

School ERP Software in telangana

The Edutech Solution’s school ERP software in Telangana is especially key for the schools since it helps the school chiefs to capably manage the student information and reasonably do changes instantly. This licenses straightforward errands of ordinary activities like costs collection, finance, scheduling timetable, tests, etc. The main fascination is that it contains the passage control on the two instructors’ side and moreover parent side. 

The parents can sign in and check his/her child’s status to the extent considered, costs, interest, test reports, tests, subject insightful imprint, remitting charges, etc ought to be conceivable. The main thing is that the parents can track the students from home itself when they are on the school transport. On the teacher’s side, the teacher can check the nuances of the students, for instance, charges due; make timetables, test plans, give downloadables like model inquiry papers, etc to students. The instructor can moreover follow the students when they are boarded from the vehicle and until they show up at their home.

Features in Edutech Solution's school ERP software in Telangana


The student the chief’s tab of school ERP software in Telangana is for showing the areas the students took on the school informational collection. This tab shows the all-out nuances of a particular student with a photo close by a segment of modernized roll number age; and besides, class insightful individual student reports. 


This tab deals with the day insightful investment of a large number of students; allows the customer to get step by step month to month and yearly interest reports of a large number of students or explicit students within seconds. This has a segment called the SMS Cautions system. If the student is missing the electronic SMS system will transport off the compact number of the parent; letting them understand that their student is missing today. 

Time Table 

This tab of school ERP software in Telangana grants creating, editing, deleting ordinary timetables for a particular class or a student; and besides allows the admin to set the instructors step by step plan and the off periods on this student the leaders’ software. 


This tab of student management system grants you to set test plans, disperse tests, and direct online tests. This segment moreover allows you to make complete examination reports including plan and attributes of each test and student independently 

Financial Administration 

This tab expects an indispensable part in the finance fragment of an institution; this is completely established on the finance board, this tab licenses you to make all-around coordinated finance information; moreover allows you to make payslips and remuneration reports of the specialists. 


This part of student management system relies upon the students’ costs record. This tab offers permission to all of the students’ charges related to information, for instance, instructive costs, transport charges, etc. Here we can in like manner make costs receipts, cost because of reminders for students who are not paid the costs through SMS. Also, moreover, make paid reports to the individuals who paid the costs close by slips. 

Parent Login 

This login contains different tabs like Alerts; which gives the latest cautions from the school or relating to your student including transport appearance. The part called downloads and news tab which gives the latest downloadable for your child, for instance; test question papers, test plans, etc Similarly give information regarding charge nuances like, costs demand costs paid, test plans, and the test outcome. 

Teacher Login 

Same as the parent tab, the alert sections serve to give alerts from the school; and besides from the parents for the things that an instructor should think about. This tab gives a component called cooperation selection which allows the teachers to make the support table; moreover, make plans for the students. 


This student management system allows the parent and the two instructors to think about the course map where the student goes in the school transport in a day; and besides offer information to both teacher and parent about the current bus stop, close to moving stop; and past transport stop. This is like manner includes transport cost nuances of each student, driver, and associate nuances including name and phone number. This will help the parents with getting without strain. 


This section is about the library region consisting of the book issue and returned reports; book classes, essayists, merchants, rack the board, book stock nuances, etc can be controlled and checked from this part. 


This tab of student management system helps in maintaining the stock class on the board; including managing the suppliers and contact listing and besides the current stock nuances. 


This tab of school management software in India grants you to make accounting modules with obvious accounting groupings including voucher the board; record accounting trades, make journals and records, Daybook, Preliminary balance, etc 


This district thoroughly rests with alerts and warnings, giving proper alerts, notifications, and news to the concerned logins. 


This student management system grants you to make standard reports, custom reports, information examination; and graphically tended to reports of any part information available on the informational collection in a direct snap. 

Online Class 

Edutech Solution School ERP software in Telangana revived with online classes; and online test features, students can attend classes through the Android application and can finish tests. Online class modules can confine to non-paid students.

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